湯水篇| 竹蔗茅根蘋果飲 生津止渴 清熱涼血 (Eng Sub) Apple Drink with Sugar cane & Imperata cylindrica

白茅根是中草藥的一種,有治病和養生功效,茅根加上竹蔗在廣東非常受歡迎的涼茶,香港的涼茶店必備的涼茶之一。 Imperata cylindrica is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. It has healing and health effects. The herbal tea with sugar cane is very popular in Guangdong. It is one of the must-have herbal teas in Hong Kong herbal tea shops. 效用 : 清熱,下火、煩熱、利尿、小便不利、涼血、止血、口渴、膀胱炎、尿道炎、肺熱、胃熱、水腫 Utility: Clearing heat, low heat, irritability, diuresis, urination, cooling blood, hemostasis, thirst, cystitis, urethritis, lung heat, stomach heat, edema 不宜以下人士 : 虛弱、孕婦、脾胃虛寒 Not suitable for the following people: Weakness, pregnant women, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold 份量 Serving: 3 – 4 人Ppl 烹調時間 Cooking time : 1小時15分鐘 1 hr and 15min 材料 Ingredients : 533g 竹蔗 sugar Cane 39g 茅根Imperata cylindrica 3(pcs) 個 蘋果 apples 1(ea) 粒 蜜棗 candidate sweet date 3000 ml 清水 water 方法method : 1. 沖洗竹蔗、茅根。竹蔗切半。 Wash the sugar cane and Imperata cylindrical. Sugar cane cut in half. 2. 茅根、蜜棗放入3000ML清水中。開中火。 Put Imperata cylindrica, and candied dates in 3000ml water. Turn to medium heat 3. 15分鐘後,放入竹蔗。 Put in sugar cane after 15min boiling. 4. 用鹽清洗蘋果,一開2份,去核。清水浸泡,備用。 Wash the apples with salt. Cut it in half. Remove the core. Soak in water. 5. 15分鐘後,再放入蘋果。 Put the apple in after 15 minutes of boiling step 4. 6. 烹煮30分鐘後,關火。 Fire off after 30 min boiling of step 5. (此文章由U Blog 同步發佈至社群)
