Cafe del SOL 2023/11/01

福岡人氣Souffle Pancake🥞

✲゚。 🇯🇵 ғᴜᴋᴜᴏᴋᴀ 福岡人氣Souffle Pancake🥞 This popular cafe in Fukuoka specializes in serving soufflé pancakes. The texture of their pancakes are very light and airy. They are served with a lot of toppings and icecream, simply irresistible.😋 As there is always a queue outside, there may be a wait of around 15 mins for the table.🙈 Tabelog 3.47分 (*´∀`)~♥️ 呢間cafe 位於福岡天神 附近行完街過嚟食野超方便🤭 佢冇得book 位 長期都有人龍 不過都入得好快 我平日下晝嚟到前面有10個人等緊 大約等左15分鐘💁🏻‍♀️ 佢嘅Souffle Pancake真係超fluffy超大份 用嚟做lunch 都夠飽😆 我叫左一份Chocolate Pancake同Matcha Pancake 兩份都有雪糕同好多配料 好豐富😋 價錢唔貴 一份HK$90有找‼️ 佢仲會有唔同期間限定嘅時令水果pancake (click @cafedelsol_fukuoka 呢度睇下🍓) 好吸引😍 飲品加¥330 拉花好可愛🐻 - ✨ Chocolate Pancake (¥1540) ✨ Matcha Pancake (¥1540) ✨ Matcha Latte (+¥330) - 📍 Café del SOL @cafedelsol_fukuoka 福岡縣福岡市中央區大名1-14-45 🚇 西鉄福岡(天神)駅行5-7分鐘 🕛 12:00~22:00 #全民打卡企劃#秋日美食

Cafe del SOL
1-chōme-14-45 Daimyō, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0041日本