Baker by LUBUDS 2024/01/09

[Tai Koo Shing] Baker by LUDBUDS // Move Over Bakehouse!

We saw this newly opened pastry shop online and read it's headed by a Rosewood chef (Chef Stephen), so you know quality is of utmost importance second only to taste and design! The egg tarts are the main attraction here! 🤩 At only $12 a piece, we made sure to get some for the whole family! 😊 Though, take a look at the schedule carefully! Remember, fresh out of the oven is always best! 😎 And although we went late in the evening, they were still baking new egg tarts to serve! 🤩 Guess there's HUGE demand right now! The egg tarts were faaaantastic! 😍 The skin was akin to a mille-feuille that's been thoroughly caramelized and the creamy rich texture of the eggs were magical! Being just cooked enough to be a custard-y centre while maintaining a pudding like structure! They tastes just as good even after reheating too! Alongside egg tarts, there are pastries like croissants, cruffins, cakes and more! 🤓 We got a croissant and cruffin to go too! But do remember, the egg tarts are the main attaction here! Give it a try! We promise you won't be disappointed #小食 #太古 #太古城 #Cityplaza #美食推介 #蛋撻 #UBlog #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #croissants #Hong Kong Egg Tarts #UBlog飲食 #太古美食 #Baker By Ludbuds (此文章由U Blog 同步發佈至社群)

Baker by LUBUDS
香港太古城city plazashop 307, 3/F