國立臺灣博物館 2024/03/19


#OK即刻有#社群歎世界#食勻全世界#台北#國立臺灣博物館#台灣#台灣旅遊#台灣水鹿 來台除了吃喝玩樂,超推薦到國立臺灣博物館參觀一下,其館藏之多讓人目不暇給,非常療癒。 圖一及二:博物館正門,位於公園內,我們當天是從臺北車站走路去,約5-10分鐘🚶🏻 圖三至七:超推薦「發現臺灣」「博物臺灣」常設展,以及台灣名物水鹿的標本🦌館內有大量動植物標本,特別是台灣國土上的物種,資訊量龐大,可以按個人喜好細意參觀🗾 圖八至十:憑博物館票券可參觀古生物館,要走到對面,由臺北土地銀行改建而成的,參觀可以收集紀念章🏦古生物館有恐龍展,部分展品按一比一的比例呈現,十分莊觀🦕 大家有興趣可以到場參觀探索啦! 📍國立臺灣博物館 地址:臺北市中正區襄陽路2號(二二八和平公園內) #Taipei#NationalTaiwanMuseum🏛 #Taiwan#TaiwanTravel#formosansambardeer In addition to enjoying the food, drinks, and entertainment in Taiwan, I highly recommend visiting the National Taiwan Museum. The vast collection of artifacts is truly overwhelming and very therapeutic. Images 1 and 2: The main entrance of the museum is located within the park. On the day we visited, we walked from Taipei Main Station, which took about 5-10 minutes. 🚶🏻 Images 3 to 7: I highly recommend visiting the permanent exhibitions ”Exploring Taiwan“ and ”Discovering Taiwan“ as well as the specimen of the Formosan Sambar Deer. The museum houses a large number of plant and animal specimens, especially those found in Taiwan. The amount of information available is enormous, allowing visitors to explore according to their personal interests. 🗾 Images 8 to 10: With the museum ticket, you can also visit the Paleontology Exhibition, which is located across the street. It was formerly a branch of the Land Bank of Taiwan and offers commemorative stamps for collection. The Paleontology Museum features a dinosaur exhibition, and some of the exhibits are presented in a one-to-one scale, creating a truly awe-inspiring experience. 🦕 If you are interested, it is highly encouraged to visit and explore the National Taiwan Museum! 📍National Taiwan Museum Address: No. 2, Xiangyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (within the 228 Peace Memorial Park)
