沙田18 2024/03/19


Nostalgic Cantonese Cuisine with a Touch of Elegance at Shatin 18 @hyattshatin Start with Flambe Rose Wine Barbecued pork and lard rice. Prepared tableside, the aroma of the char siu and the fragrance of the liqueur fill the air. The tender and juicy pork, combined with pork lard and a secret soy sauce, creates a sublime harmony when mixed with the rice. Another signature dish is the Traditional Peking duck, skillfully deboned by the chef. The crispy and fragrant duck skin, accompanied by pancakes, scallions, and sauce, adds a delightful twist to this classic. Don‘t miss the innovative creations dishes and Chinese-inspired Western desserts 酒店中菜廳,回味懷舊粵菜 必點 #堂弄玫瑰露叉燒豬油撈飯!經過廚師現場點燃,散發著叉燒和酒香,口感柔軟多汁,配上豬油和秘製醬油,拌飯一流。 另一道招牌菜是 #傳統北京烤填鴨,師傅熟練地去皮,鴨皮酥脆香而不膩,搭配餅皮、京蔥和醬汁,更增添風味。 還有秋冬創新菜式,如 #黃酒薑汁雞子煮桶蠔#黑胡椒煎焗老虎蝦#花螺紅芽芋仔燜鵝掌翼等,絕對不容錯過。最後,他們還提供具有中式元素的特色西式甜品,如 #腐乳芝士泡芙#焗黑芝麻湯圓酥皮批等。 📍沙田18 沙田澤祥街18號沙田凱悅酒店4樓 #食勻全世界#社群歎世界 #沙田凱悅酒店#沙田18#沙田美食#粵菜#香港粵菜#香港美食#叉燒#北京烤填鴨#叉燒飯

4/F, 18 Chak Cheung St, Ma Liu Shui, 香港