U Lifestyle網站並無進行電話推廣活動
U Lifestyle 得悉有市民近日接獲推廣電話,例如:郵輪及旅遊食宿套票、美容瘦身療程等。 U Lifestyle 謹此聲明此推廣活動並非由 U Lifestyle 及旗下網站舉辦或進行,U Lifestyle 亦從未授權任何第三方進行有關電話推廣活動。如有任何查詢,請電郵至info@ulifestyle.com.hk 與我們聯絡。
This is to declare that U Lifestyle and her subordinated websites have never performed and/ or authorized any third parties to perform promotional activities of food/ accommodation/ travel package and beauty/ body shaping treatment through cold callings. Should you have any enquires, please feel free to contact us at info@ulifestyle.com.hk.